SAT | ACT Practice Test Simulation
You can register to take this practice test in either of its two options:
– Take it in person at the Coral Springs Library located at 3151 N University Dr, Coral Springs FL 33065. Please be there by 9:45 AM. The library WILL BE CLOSED at that time but we all meet near the entrance so we can go in as a group when they open and get started as soon as possible – the sooner we start, the sooner we leave.
IMPORTANT: If you are feeling ill, or developing a cold, PLEASE STAY HOME and take it online.
– Take it online through our virtual proctoring system.
You should have with you:
- 2 pencils
- Calculator
- Sweat shirt
- Snacks & water
- Tissues
Registration is required to guarantee a seat and test booklet at the library and to promptly schedule your online test. No requests for registration will be taken by text messages or email.
- April 29, 2023
10:00 am - 1:30 pm