Event Phone: 561-716-9784
SAT | ACT Practice Test Simulation
You can register to take this practice test in either of its two options:
– Take it in person at the Coral Springs Library located at 3151 N University Dr, Coral Springs FL 33065. Please be there by 9:45 AM. The library WILL BE CLOSED at that time but we all meet near the entrance so we can go in as a group when they open and get started as soon as possible – the sooner we start, the sooner we leave.
– Take it online through our virtual proctoring system.
Both options are at no additional charge for students registered in one of our programs. All other students can register to either one for $35.
You should have with you:
- 2 pencils
- Calculator
- Sweat shirt
- Snacks & water
- Tissues
Registration is required to guarantee a seat and test booklet at the library and to promptly schedule your online test. No requests for registration will be taken by text messages or email.
- March 3, 2018
9:45 am - 1:20 pm